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Session 107 - Pyramid scheme

You were engulfed by a storm of bats at the top of the pyramid. A large fanged bat made a bee line directly for Sam. Chad grabbed it by the hind legs and ripped it so badly that a light blow from Malice’s hawk brought it to the ground. Chad spent a long time making sure the bat was dead. The rest of the bats flew out of the cavern. Mina went down into the pyramid on a rope with Mivian flying and releasing the treasure from the ceiling. The chest landed heavily on Mina but she did catch it. Unluckily the bat sword bounced and spiralled into the shaft. The voice of Hunabkai from the shaft warned that there were worse things than the snow bat in the deep earth and that he was part of the seal. He begged you to seal the pyramid. He said they were coming. He asked you to come down into the shaft with him. Back at the top of the pyramid you examined the treasure and found one was the Crown of Bats, an item that would grant immense power in a foul ritual. Again Hunabkai pleaded with you to se...

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