Session 61 - Orm house
Mina advanced through the door and hypnotised the cat beast. Torches and lanterns kept going out in the basement. Malice summoned a huge cave bear which was too large to fit through the trapdoor. Gina snuck up to the top floor and hid in the bathroom.
Hogwash advanced up the stairs to see 3 thugs advancing down the corridor towards him. Crossbow shots were fired then Joe rushed forward. Joe got into a long fight with one of the thugs while Sam and Hogwash cleared the side rooms. In the basement a floating dagger attacked Chad and Mina which they wrestled into a chest of draws. Many books and papers were scattered when the chest was up ended.
Gina snuck out of the bathroom and opened the first door on the left. Inside Rose Orm was lying on the bed...
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