Session 99 - Mercy killings

The Aquilonian tried to levitate a pterodactyl off the cart. Chad jumped off the cart and hit him a savage blow with his axe. He changed from a man into a squat ape demon. Graben lept and brought the pterodactyl down, breaking the spell. Chad hit him another lucky blow with his axe, killing the demon. Many skulls were found in the snow afterwards and the party strung the profusely bleeding corpse up in a tree with a note attached. 

The pterodactyls were getting increasingly sluggish and cold. Mina cast protection from cold and eased the party’s journey northward through the blizzard. 

You saw some boats by the side of the river with snow melted around them. Chad, Malice and Mivian went to investigate. Starving giant rats flowed out of the boat but Malice cast fog cloud, dealing with most of the rats. Chad finished off the ones that still had fight in them. More rats flowed out of the Winter Woods towards Graben and Plod the cart horse. Plod was bitten badly on the legs and Graben urged him forward, trying to run over the rats. Malice launched a magic missile killing some of the rats and scaring off the rest.

Investigating the Xalter boats, you found baskets in them filled with straw, goo and hot rocks.  Beside the baskets you found wax and moss. Somebody had fashioned some of it into a plug. Chad pulled on one of the ropes trailing back into the water. He found a baby giant otter white hot with rock like plates attached to its skin trapped in a silk net. The otter was in incredible pain. When you put some of the goo on the otter, it burned and reminded you of the smell of crocodile. Three other burning baby otters were pulled from the river. In the end Graben decided it was best to kill the otters to put them out of their misery. You stand by the boats with crocodile and human tracks leading up into the ravine.


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