Session 83 - Return of the god

The tiny goat men threw spears at Van Petrol and he retreated through the teleport. Alice’s spider dangled a strand of web down into the hole. One of the goat men threw a spear into the spider’s eye. Hazel shielded the spider with her floating disc and the Sunsword was retrieved.

Hazel and Alice researched the sword’s powers in the book of swords. Meanwhile an ethereal group of elves surprised Van Petrol. He convinced them that Lord Malbleat was still in the high tower. Hazel went back in through the fog and used the Sunsword’s powers to transform Lord Malbleat back into Silenus. The fog dissipated.

Silenus was in a state when he awoke. He’d been defeated and corrupted by the Nag Lord and Lord Malbleat. He’d lost contact with Valar. The party tried to cheer him up to some effect, saying they knew the location of the heart of Valar. He could not believe that Caliadne was working against him.


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