Session 100 - The City of Bats

You followed the path up to a cave entrance by the waterfall. You headed down into a large cave. Digging in the moss, Gina discovered a huge symbol of the Snow Bat. You headed down a passageway to the north and lost the trail of the crocodiles. 

Searching around you encountered some giant lizards guarding their eggs. A ferocious battle ensued with Graben getting trapped under one of the lizards before Joe shoved it off. Amongst the eggs you found one made of jade.

Moving on you found no more signs of the crocodiles but some twisted wooden statues arranged in a circle. Mina found a jade mountain lion in the half man mountain lion statue. 

Searching further into the cave, you came across a tribe of lizardmen lead by Yaxalayum. Yaxalayum said he’d been in dream communication with G’ruk and Xiximanter and that Mina’s story about Valar rang true. He was keen to see the end of the winter. Mina and Malice negotiated free passage and Yaxalayum gifted Mina a feather from a dream serpent. He said that the passage north out of their territory lead to the city of bats. The entrance was guarded by a demon that could kill with sound.

You set off hunting with a group of lizardmen and got ambushed by a great troll. Malice finished it off with a single force axe. You decided that you’d hunt more trolls and came across 2 more in their lair. Another ferocious battle ensued with 2 lizardmen getting killed before the trolls went down. Chad smashed open a treasure chest and drank a broken potion of ESP. The thoughts of the nearest lizardman revealed happiness at the death of the trolls but horror that the slave race had become so powerful.


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