Session 90 - Wolf bargain

At Salix’s mansion a pair of skeletal hands skittered towards the spear that Van Petrol had jammed in the door. Van Petrol legged it and hid under the dining table where he came face to face with an old servant sleeping on a makeshift cot. Van Petrol knocked the servant out.

Outside the old guard made it through the door and came back out shouting that Helgon had been knocked out and that one of the master’s pets had got loose. The young guard went to blow his horn but a lucky shot from Billy took it out of his hands. The young guard spotted someone in the bushes while under arrow fire and advanced. The old guard managed to blow his horn loud and clear. The guard on top of the building started to rush down.

Van Petrol rushed out of hiding and knocked out the old guard but broke his blackjack. The young guard searched in vain for the stealthy Billy but noticed that his friend had been taken out. Van Petrol engaged the young guard and Billy took out his hand axes. At this point Salix appeared at the door of the mansion carrying a white cat with another guard in tow.

Meanwhile Athaff and his men returned from the river with buckets and helped Moe with the fire. Dan came back down and had a spider issue. He was about to start helping with the fire when the howl of wolves and screaming was heard from the north. Athaff ran off scared, Dan went north, and Moe continued fighting the fire on his own.

In the Blood on the Vine Tavern, the fauns were worried about the wolves but Maevis cast a mighty divine symbol. She persuaded the awed fauns to help and they were whispering she was an avatar of Valar. With the fauns, Moe once again started making progress with the fire.

In the north Dan reached the collapsed buildings where a small girl and Ismark were the only villagers left helping. A large howling wolf pack advanced out of the shadows. Headbiter, the huge worg leading the pack, offered to help search the rubble if they could feast on the dead bodies. Dan agreed to the suggestion. Ismark, with tears rolling down his face, asked Dan how he could let this happen and promised there would be consequences if they survived the night. Dan asked Ismark if he had a better idea and started to walk away. Ismark, terrified of the wolves, called Dan back.


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