Session 80 - Cold hand of death, the hot fires of hell

Moe and Dan stopped running and formed a defensive line to face the undead. Only Moe’s incredible constitution saved him from the chilling effects of the wights. Dan quickly dispatched the last remaining skeleton. Barrett turned up for the fight and eventually the 2 wights went down.

Hazel and Billy woke up from their slumber much refreshed and Alice and Maevis sat down for a snooze. Once everyone was fighting fit the party tried accessing the lower door. People were teleported back to the tomb Moe was trapped in. Ireena again displayed her dislike for Hazel. Everyone started reading the tombs. Hazel found one called St Finderway. 

Barrett and Dan opened a tomb belonging to Amersh the inventor. Three hell hounds attacked the moment the tomb opened. Dan quickly dispatched one and avoided a gout of flame. Barrett got badly bitten by the demon and his soul transferred to hell.


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