Session 75 - Salt

Van Petrol found the open chest to be empty. As Barrett was waking Hazel up, the hourglass flipped and the other golem started moving again. Everybody swarmed around it and the golem was brought down by 2 hits from Barrett and Dan. Hazel tore the chest and 2 healing potions, 4 scrolls, a bag of salt and a deck of cards was found inside. One of the scroll said salt was useful against fey that could turn themselves into fog. All the doors were eventually opened by throwing the gems into the brazier. 

You went through the single door to find 2 thrones overlooking a submerged torture chamber. When a summoned lizard man dropped down into the water, zombies arose and attacked. Teleportation attacks saved a terrified Maevis from getting swarmed. Once the zombies were dispatched another healing potion, marked for extended torturing, was found in the murky water.

Travelling out of the room into a flooded corridor, Maevis vanished into a teleport trap. Calling out to her attracted the attention of a bunch of fauns antagonising a ghost. After a bit of negotiation a fight ensued, with Dan teleport killing the faun that was about to start playing its pan pipes. Cyril, Tom, Duca and another faun also vanished into teleport traps. The speed with which the party dispatched 2 of the fauns broke the morale of the rest.

You found everybody who’d teleported in nearby cells. You also found Aded, a farmer from Silenia, in one of the other cells. You threatened Dhib the faun with torture and he told you the way to the library and a lot of other information. You then talked to the ghost. After helping her feel what the wind was like, she gave you directions to where Silenus used to keep the Sunsword. The ghost then faded away.


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