Session 63 - A watery ending

Exiting Rose Orm’s house, you tried to visit Queen Vania only to find her unavailable until the evening. Instead you got an audience with Reyny, newly appointed guard captain and the Queen’s uncle. You convinced him to give you six hunters to accompany you to the warehouse.

On the way to the warehouse, Malice summoned many cave bears.  She made her way through the deadly quiet fishermen’s palisade where she was accosted by Sabeth, saying his daughter had died overnight. He asked you to look at her body and that Gowy had been found outside Sam Orm’s longhouse this morning. He said that Ar Yum Sur might know something. 

On the beach Malice noticed crocodile marks coming out of the water with human footprints leading away from them. Another fisherman approached saying that he had seen a wounded Rose Orm flee the beach 4 nights ago. Malice questioned the fisherman and found that the plague only started 4 nights ago. People were fine one day then woke up dead the next day with scaley skin. He wasn’t sure if they’d been cursed or blessed by the crocodiles.

You surrounded the warehouse and sent the cave bears in. They mauled the men inside, only one surviving. He said that Sam Orm requested that people be brought to him overnight and that he was in the basement of the warehouse.

Venturing into the basement you found it deeply flooded with water. You sent a cave bear in only to see tentacles try and drag it underwater. The cave bear fought its way out. You tried attacking the tentacles as they grasped at Chad but found that your weapons could not damage them. You retreated to plan another assault.


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