Session 42 - An end to the bachelor

After the defeat of Vung Sharptooth, in amongst the teeth you discovered the teeth of a cave bear and a green potion. Chad entered a room with a living map of the river valley on the floor. A star map on the ceiling with unknown lizard man constellations in the sky. A spy glass allowed you to hear what was going on.

You carried Vung and Inna Sharptooth's bodies out of the head. Skikkurut the kingfisher god accosted you and complained about his missing crocodile. He said that you needed to slay Ogolorph Windshaper, the murderer, too. Instead you agreed to obtain one of Inna's tapestries for him. Inna was so grateful for your efforts she just gave you one of her tapestries.

You made it out of the Old Ruins and back to Xalter without event. Auntie Sati organised the burial rites of Vung and Inna Sharptooth. A fire burned and songs and stories were told all night. Meanwhile you gained entrance to Ogolorph Windshaper's tent. He was plotting an assault on the citadel this very evening.


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