Session 3 - Trout pout

You quizzed Mazahs the Magnificent and he told you that Gravelbeak, the moss goblin chief, was mad for fishing. He also said that he was willing to pay for historical and arcane law recovered from the Barrowmaze. He also said a powerful evil warrior and his band use Barrowmaze as a hideout. Also an elven maiden was recently freed from Barrowmaze.

You set off up north coming across a weir that had formed a large pool, now mostly drained and iced up. As Fred approached the pool he was squirted in the eye Salvel, a large rainbow trout. Salvel said that the river was low because the moss goblins had captured Helix, the fairy goddess who was the source of the river. He also said that Gravelbeak had always tried to catch him but was too stupid and he'd made him fall in the river many times. He gave you directions to the moss goblin lair.

Again heading north up the Helix river, you passed 3 stone giants and discovered the moss goblin lair. The party split, with some staking out the lair and others heading further north to the source of the river. After crossing a bridge with some moss goblin graffiti on it, Greigor stepped on some spider silk. He got his sword stuck. And something pulled on the silk.


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