Session 93 - Ditch Mother’s death

Amersh teleported onto Ditch Mother’s back, forced his sword through her snout and into the ground. Dan slit her throat with a slash to the neck. Terrified she forced her wounded body off the ground and ran for the woods with Amersh still on her back. Amersh tried to persuade her to a deal but without an agreement to stop summoning wolves she wouldn’t. Dan rushed up behind her and chopped off one of her rear legs, finishing her off.

Van Petrol was dragged into a shrine to Orcus. Salix was keen to question Van Petrol about somebody turning into a god but Geoffry interrupted saying Caliadne was attempting to summon a hunting horror to oversee the birth of the Spawn of Orcus. Everybody rushed off leaving Van Petrol alone with Ohthert the torturer. Following a failed attempt to recruit Ohthert, a fork vs knife fight broke out which was slow and unpleasant. Eventually the fork won as just Maevis walked through the door to rescue Van Petrol.

Upstairs Salix and the demon cat retreated to try and stop Caliadne’s ritual. The guards, cultists, Peior the priest of Orcus, and Ceparius the mage were left to face off against Alice, Maevis and Maggot. A lotus stare evened the odds. A fog cloud took the wind out of the enemy. The front door was used for defence. Maggot and Maevis rolled into the house. Downstairs Maggot broke a chest containing much gold and Salix’s records.

Alice came round the back of the house to find Salix, the demon cat and remaining followers trying to make it to the ritual. Alice downed Ceparius with a single magic missile. Peior and Aeret fled. Salix summoned skeletons which engaged the spiders. Alice took out the demon cat and Salix with more mighty magic missiles.


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