Session 76 - Decked out
After after remembering that Cyril had a spell that could read magic, you tried casting it on all the items you suspected to be magical. You found some rune spells, one for followers of Aldrya and 2 for followers of the Nag Lord. Then Hazel remembered she had a deck of cards.
Hazel tried to take 5. She ended up banished to a pocket dimension. Barrett and Van Petrol both ended up drawing the fate card. People kept drawing until Van Petrol drew the skull and an avatar of death appeared. At which point fate was used to undo the drawing of the cards.
Then the party decided that they wanted another go. Hazel drew ruin and rogue. Cyril got the jester then the fool before having his soul sucked into an object somewhere. Maevis drew 5 cards. By some fluke they were all the star, giving her a godlike presence amongst mortals. Mo became slightly less clumsy and Alice super intelligent. The last card was saved for Barrett.
You advanced up the stairs, searching for the Sunsword. When you came to the entrance hall again the gargoyles animated...
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