Session 72 - All wrapped up
After dispatching the zombies, you rounded on Lord Malbleat and the meazels. The fighters seemed unable to harm him and magic started flying. Malbleat, Hazel and Alice threw spells at each other, with Alice’s spells causing life threatening weather conditions. Finally Alice overcame Lord Malbleat with a sleep spell.
Amidst the lightning, you wrapped up Lord Malbleat in spider webs and metal spikes. The final meazel woke up only to be blasted by the lightning. Escaping the room, Duca healed the wounded party members.
You headed down the long spiral staircase to the base of the tower. In the rubble, amongst the bodies of fallen adventurers, Mo found a healing potion. After rearranging your packs you crept down a cobwebbed tunnel. You found the base of a tower and an archer’s post at the front of the castle that contained little of interest.
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