Session 49 - Out of the frying pan and walking into the fire
Coming across the fairy gate, a black mist was travelling into it. Elluin thought there was something wrong with the gate and advised against using it. Elluin and his followers returned to their realm when the power of Alice's summoning spell waned. You crossed the Ring of Chell back into the lush forest of the Black Goat Wood.
Coming down upon Hag's Addle, you spied the ruined city of Cyfandir. After spending a night in a crumbling watch tower, you ventured into the city. But not before consulting a badger and Maevis her god. Making your way up the river, you came across an old guard post. 3 spectral figures were playing dice inside. They warned you that a huge dragon had sacked the city. And that a library and an armoury lay up the river to the northwest.
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