Session 45 - Towards Cyfandir

You burned Farthigny's house. And made your way around Drune Loch towards the shores of Lake Longmere. Trying to get to the ruined elven city of Cyfandir. Where the tributary from Drune Loch met Lake Longmere, a waterfall fell down the cliffs.

An ancient, unused set of stairs led down underneath the waterfall...

Which led to a tomb. In the first chamber were the skeletons of three long horned goat men. One of them barely survived a fireball and was dispatched as it stumbled down the corridor.

Van Petrol's supply of door knobs were used to ascertain the location of magical wards.

In the second chamber was a magical statue of another long horned goat man. It's nature could not be determined. You stole the gold in an urn in front of it.

And moved on, taking the left passage...


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