BTP - session 38

Session 38 - Snap snap snap snap snap

The eyes in the water were crocodiles. They launched themselves at you on the island.

Malice and Sam retreated to the roof of the temple. Gina, Joe and Mina got stuck in a confused and bloody melee. Gina got surrounded and bitten. Joe nearly got dragged into the water by a large crocodile covered in human skin. Mina lashed out with weapons and spells.

Sam provided covering fire from the roof of the temple. Malice lobbed a choking cloud from the roof which nearly did for Joe but eventually saw off the crocodiles.

The large crocodile had a history of a cultist of Brotherhood of the Black Beast etched into the human like skin.

While searching for access to the temple, Malice got swallowed by a lurking crocodile. Mina freed Malice and Joe dispatched the creature with a mighty blow.


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