Session 9 - Escape?

Barrett, Billy and Mo agreed to help Ennad, an old lady, to try and persaude her daughter not to leave Xalter. Her daughter's husband had been killed by the Lonesome Bachelor. They talked to Lyne, her daughter, but didn't make any attempt to dissuade her. They eventually set up camp on the beach.

Bowie, dressed as a werewolf, stealthily floated around the storerooms of King Yalaring. He avoided the guards and Enet, a lady who lives in the storerooms playing music. Bowie looked at several locked chests but climbed back out of the window and met up with van Petrol.

Big Guts the troll wandered back off to the troll dungeon. Stan and Dan once again evaded King Yalaring by dangerously hanging off the side of the causeway. They then attracted the attention of the guards again by trying to break open barrels. Mina persuaded King Yalaring that splitting up would be the best method to hunt down the escapees. Stan and Dan legged it into the lower city killing guards while getting through the gates. The last group proved too much and close to death Stan and Dan fled. They found a boat and are floating away across the lake.


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