Winter Woods campaign so far

Session 8 - Troll and treasure

Our plucky adventurers set out from Holt on a mission to find out what happened to the pilgrimage to Valar's Winter Palace.

Stan and Dan had another gruesome encounter with the guards in the outer plaza while avoiding Big Guts the great troll. Cyril and Mavis decided to leg it. Again Stan's word of command bought impressive results, forcing a whole group of guards to retreat. When King Yalaring turned up Stan and Dan legged it too.

Bowie, Barrett, Mo and Billy sacrificed goats in the temple of Crom. Bowie got the gift of slaying and Mo received a doom.

Hogwash convinced Pontus to sell him the Flower of Aquilonia in exchange for healing. He learned that the master hunter is having a problem with one of the crocodiles who's broken the covenant with the fishermen. He's killed him twice but the crocodile returns from the dead.

Bowie tried to infiltrate the inner citadel but was spotted by one of Sam's men who pointed him out to a guard as the man who killed Sam Orm. Bowie deftly climbed the central tower of Xalter and discovered a werewolf pelt in a store room.

Mavis and Cyril found a back entrance to the citadel and retreated to the beach. Barrett, Mo and Billy are in the Stuck Pig, waiting for it all to blow over.

Stan and Dan escaped to the fishermen's huts and lost King Yalaring and doubled back into the citadel whereupon they engaged the troll guards. Big Guts the troll was unkeen to fight but wanted to know how Stan and Dan might get him out of the city. Decius Sunsword the Aquilonian appeared, sticking his nose in. Dan tried to convince him to help him against King Yalaring but Decius was dismissive of Dan's half formed ideas.

King Yalaring is heading up the causeway towards Stan, Dan and Big Guts...

Session 7 - The return of the king

Our plucky adventurers set out from Holt on a mission to find out what happened to the pilgrimage to Valar's Winter Palace.

King Yalaring Monsterslayer marched up to the longhouse and demanded that you surrendered using a concealed troll as a threat. The guards carted you off to the dungeon.
Mina talked her way into where the troll was imprisoned and formulated a plan. Hogwash and Mina patched up Pontus.

Bowie, Billy and Mo visited the library. The sage told them he would trade the location of Valar's Winter Palace for a runic tablet from the Barrowmaze. In exchange for an additional payment of 30 gold upon their return he gave them holy water, torches and rations.

Bowie, Barrett, Mo and Billy investigated the temple of Crom. Bowie found a sacrificial dagger and odd frescoes on the blood stained altar.

Symas the guard fetched Sam out of jail. He and two accomplices tried to cosh Sam. Sam cast word of command on Symas and suddenly had an ally that helped him win the fight. He freed Dan, Mavis, Cyril and Van Petrol from the dungeon. A killing spree ensued of surprised guards before everybody legged it.

Van Petrol hid in the Warriors Plaza while Stan and the gang hid in outer courtyard of the megaron. Unfortunately Stan's foot was sticking out from behind a barrel...

Session 6 - A new boss in town

Our plucky adventurers set out from Holt on a mission to find out what happened to the pilgrimage to Valar's Winter Palace.

After the death of Sam Orm, Bowie, Hogwash, Sam and Billy drove off Rewalt Orm and killed Skaggir. Sam's longhouse was looted. Bowie managed to convince Elin and Symas that he was Sam Orm and sent them away. Somehow he even managed to convince Sam's own men that he was Sam and sent them away too.

Most of the rest of the party arrived and Sam's longhouse was thoroughly looted. Much plotting was done. Hogwash, sat on the roof of the longhouse, saw Rose Orm, Sam's men and some children retreating to the citadel. He taunted Rewalt. Rewalt's anger overflowed and his men came charging down the causeway.

A fight ensued in which Rewalt and one of Sam's men died. The rest of Sam's men surrendered and the party tied them up.

Session 5 - The death of Sam Orm

Our plucky adventurers set out from Holt on a mission to find out what happened to the pilgrimage to Valar's Winter Palace.

In Xalter much shopping was done. Alice forgot that she had picked up some scrolls and started casting find familiar. Stan and Dan went to find some excitement in the Warriors Plaza but it was really boring.

Mina and Mo went to the temple of Valar to see if they could find out anything about the pilgrimage. Dushi Sone said that the head priest, Torath Manover , and Pay Surney had joined the pilgrimage. Dushi Sone advised you to speak to King Yalaring as the pilgrimage met with him before leaving. She also said that Bluebird the shaman is the last person that knows the location of the Winter Palace but he was last seen heading up the Serpents Tongue River. She also said that Ar-Ym-Sr might know something.

Bowie and the hobbits went to look for thieves and other hobbits. Failing to find any they decided to go into the lower city and found Tida. He said that much of the crocodiles' gold is ancient but the new stuff is worked by one of Sam Orm's men. So you tried to sneak up on Sam's longhouse. Much stealth, sneaking, and smart talking ensued. In the final act, Bowie dropped in through the roof and killed Sam Orm with a brutal hit to the head with his crowbar.

Session 4 - Xalter

Our plucky adventurers set out from Holt on a mission to find out what happened to the pilgrimage to Valar's Winter Palace. Stan summoned Otty the giant otter who uncovered a frozen crocodile corpse on the bank of the Sable River.

Finally you got to Xalter, rescuing Cyna and Typhe. The shore of Xalter is guarded by two monumental crocodile gates. As you travelled across the lake, you noticed the dark shapes of many crocodiles in the water. Tida the fisherman told you that the crocodiles rule the lower city. And also that the pilgrimage had stopped at Xalter on its way north.

You were escorted by the gate guards to meet King Yalaring Monsterslayer, to whom you gave many gifts. Eventually you made a night's rest at Djimm Myth's inn.

Session 3 - The moss goblins

Our plucky adventurers set out from Holt on a mission to find out what happened to the pilgrimage to Valar's Winter Palace. In the Tomb of the Serpent Kings, Hogwash narrowly escaped being fried by a lightning bolt, and Joe was attacked by a spider. After all this, you decided to beat a retreat.

You discovered an entrance to the moss goblin's lair. After sneaking in and murdering some sleeping moss goblins, you came across Cyna in the throne room. After trying to negotiate her release with the goblin king, who was only interested in swapping her with Joe, the goblin king was dispatched by Stan with a one handed blow from his halberd. Outside, after Don King tried to trade Van Petrel for Cyna, Barret got fed up of his attitude and murdered him. Cyna was horrified.

You are now outside the moss goblin's lair and about to head onwards towards Xalter.

Session 2 - The tomb of Xiximanter the serpent King.

Our plucky adventurers set out from Holt on a mission to find out what happened to the pilgrimage to Valar's Winter Palace. You rescued old man Typhe from a pair of moss goblins. The moss goblins exchanged the moss stone with Alice for 10 gold. Typhe told you that Xander had been eaten by the goblins for trying to escape and Cyna had been crowned queen of the goblins.

You set off to rescue Cyna and came across the tomb of Xiximanter the Serpent King. Tracks of goblins lead into the tomb. You survived a huge hammer trap. Then used it against skeletons that sprang out of sarcophagi. You pushed on into the quiet darkness, found a secret room. Alice tried breaking a scepter which attracted more skeletons. They cornered Hogwash between some statues but the party came rushing out and Stan dispatched them with his new pole arm.

You are in a room with a huge pool in the middle. Stan has just pushed open a stone door.

Session 1 - Dog died

Our plucky adventurers set out from Holt on a mission to find out what happened to the pilgrimage to Valar's Winter Palace. Camping at a warm stream, Alice found the cermonial bear pelt belonging to Aegwild, the leader of the pilgrimage. Stan saved a moss goblin from the Sable River and Alice received a moss stone in thanks.

In the dark of the camp, you were set upon by a monstrous boar. The heroic dog tried leading the boar away but was caught on the tusks. Durr, enraged by the loss of dog, charged at the boar. He too met his end on the tusks.

It's now the morning of a new day, the track to Xalter lies open before you.


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